Meditation & Chakra Cleanse.
Meditation to open your chakras, working on balancing your 7 chakras working from the top of your head working down to the base of your spine.
If chakras are blocked here are some emotional issues,
Root chakra- may feel threatened panicked or be feeling anxious.
Sacral chakra- may feel bored listless and uninspired.
Solar Plexus- confidence may be shaky, or feel insecure.
Heart Chakra- may feel less compassionate and impatient.
Throat chakra-being closed can cause an inability to say what you really want to say.You may feel like you are holding onto secrets, or perhaps feel people don't really want to hear what you have to say.
Third eye chakra- may struggle with your broader purpose., might be stuck in making decisions.
Crown chakra- might not see much beauty in the world. May feel spiritually adrift and experience symptoms of depression.